Words 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500
Source: A Frequency Dictionary of German. Core Vocabulary for Learners
201. brauchen (verb) to need
202. folgen (verb) to follow
203. lernen (verb) to learn
204. Ende, das, -n (noun) end
205. kurz (adj.) short
206. Million, die, -en (noun) million
207. stark (adj.) strong
208. Schule, die, -n (noun) school
209. Woche, die, -n (noun) week
210. bestehen (verb) to exist, insist, pass (an exam)
211. richtig (adj.) right, correct
212. dich (pers. pron.) you [acc. form of du]
213. dafür (adv.) for it
214. sowie (conj.) as well as
215. oft (adv.) often
216. Vater, der, -(ä) father
217. Seite, die, -n side, page
218. verschieden (adj.) different
219. halt (part.) just, simply (If H is capital, then Halt = Stop!)
220. Leben, das (noun) life
221. allerdings (adv.) though, indeed, certainly
222. verstehen (verb) to understand
223. fast (adv.) almost
224. wohl (adv.) well; (part.) probably
225. dein (poss. adj./poss. pron.) your [poss. form of du]
226. bestimmt (adj.) special, certain
227. Mutter, die, -(ü) mother
228. setzen (verb) to set, place, put
229. überhaupt (adv.) at all, generally
230. Grund, der, -(ü)-e (noun) reason, basis
231. besser (adj.) better
232. dir (pers. pron.) [to/for] you (dat. form of du)
233. schnell (adj.) fast
234. bekommen (verb) to get, receive
235. gern(e) (adv.) gladly
236. Auge, das, -n (noun) eye
237. sicher (adj.) safe, secure, certain
238. davon (adv.) from it, about it, thereof
239. beginnen (verb) to begin
240. erzählen (verb) to narrate, tell
241. versuchen (verb) to try, attempt
242. besonders (adv.) especially
243. Wort, das, -e/-(ö)-er word
244. neben (prep.) beside, next to
245. schreiben (verb) to write
246. warum (adv.) why
247. nächst- (adj.) next
248. laufen (verb) to run
249. Geld, das (noun) money
250. erklären (verb) to explain
251. Sache, die, -n (noun) thing
252. Art, die, -en (noun) kind, type
253. politisch (adj.) political
254. entsprechen (verb) to correspond to (+ dat. obj.)
255. klar (adj.) clear
256. schwer (adj.) difficult, heavy
257. Bereich, der, -e (noun) area, region
258. allein(e) (adv.) alone
259. kaum (adv.) hardly
260. Weg, der, -e (noun) way
261. sitzen (verb) to sit, to be sitting
262. Stunde, die, -n (noun) hour
263. einzeln (adj.) individual
264. deshalb (adv.) for that reason
265. deren (dem. pron./rel. pron.) whose (gen. form of die [pl.])
266. ziehen (verb) to pull, move
267. na (part.) well
268. beziehungsweise (bzw.) (conj.) and/or
269. sogar (adv.) even, in fact
270. Name, der, -n (noun) name
271. damals (adv.) back then
272. fünf (num.) five
273. Geschichte, die, -n (noun) history, story
274. wegen (prep.) because of
275. Gesellschaft, die, -en (noun) society, company
276. scheinen (verb) to shine, seem, appear
277. darüber (adv.) above it, about it
278. fallen (verb) to fall
279. Kopf, der, -(ö)-e (noun) head
280. gehören (verb) to belong to
281. entstehen (verb) to originate
282. bekannt (adj.) well-known
283. erhalten (verb) to receive
284. Paar, das, -e (noun) pair, couple; paar (pron.) few, couple
285. leicht (adj.) light, easy
286. Möglichkeit, die, -en (noun) possibility
287. treffen (verb) to meet
288. hinter (prep.) behind
289. sonst (adv.) otherwise
290. daran (adv.) on it
291. Unternehmen, das, – (noun) enterprise, company
292. weiter (adv.) further
293. suchen (verb) to search, look for
294. Bild, das, -er (noun) picture
295. Buch, das, -er (n0un) book
296. legen (verb) to put, lay (in a horizontal position)
297. Wasser, das (noun) water
298. Stelle, die, -n (noun) place
299. vorstellen (verb) to introduce, imagine
300. Form, die, -en (noun) form, shape
Words 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500
Source: A Frequency Dictionary of German. Core Vocabulary for Learners
শীর্ষ ৫০০ জার্মান শব্দাবলি – Top 500 German words
[…] 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | […]
[…] 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 Source: A Frequency Dictionary of German. Core Vocabulary for […]
[…] 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 Source: A Frequency Dictionary of German. Core Vocabulary for […]
[…] 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 Source: A Frequency Dictionary of German. Core Vocabulary for […]