এই গ্রুপ থেকে এতো বেশি তথ্য পেয়েছি এখানে নিজের অভিজ্ঞতা বা মতামত প্রকাশ করা দায়িত্ব মনে করি। তাই আজ আমার ভিসা ইন্টার্ভিউ এর অভিজ্ঞতা শেয়ার করছি। অনেক দিন ধরে লিখবো ভাবছিলাম, আলসতার কারণে হয়ে উঠে নি। তাই আগেই ক্ষমা চেয়ে নিচ্ছি।
আমি ইন্টার্ভিউ দিয়েছি ১৫ই সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৫। ভিসা পেয়েছি ১লা নভেম্বর ২০১৫।
ইন্টার্ভিউ এর আগের রাতে ঢাকায় পোঁছাই, রাত তখন ১ টা। টেনশন এ হোটেলে ঘুম আসছিল না। সকাল ৮ টা ১৫ তে ইন্টার্ভিউ। টাইম এর আগেই পৌঁছে যাই। আমরা ৩ জন ছিলাম সকালের টাইমে।
যা যা ডকুমেন্ট সাজাতে বলল সেভাবে সাজালাম। অপেক্ষা করতে করতে ভাবলাম একটু ‘ছোট ঘর’-এ গিয়ে আসলে ভাল হয়। ঠিক তখনি আমার নাম ডাকল। সবার শুরুতে, তাও ২ নং কাউন্টারে (শুনেছিলাম ২নং কাউন্টারের VO প্যাঁচায় বেশি)। কিন্তু কি আর করা?! দুরু দুরু বুকে ঢুকলাম। এর পরের Conversation টা নিচে তুলে ধরলাম।
ME: Good Morning, Sir!
VO: Good Morning! What’s your name?
ME: Ratul Chowdhury.
VO: I can see you have completed your BBA in 2007, after that what have you done?
ME: Actually Sir, that is my regular exam year. But the final exam held in 2009. Though my result was withheld at that time due to my absence from one of the exams as I was ill. So I sat for that particular exam in 2010 with special permission from the university and my result was published on 29th March 2011. I also completed my MBA from the same university.
VO: But you have not submitted your MBA certificates!!
ME: (I smiled) No, Sir. I have submitted the certificate and transcript. Please check well, it must be next to the documents of my graduation. I appeared in the exam in 2011 and my result was publishe in 7th August 2012.
VO: Oh! There it is. So, what did you do next? (he jotted down the years on my offer letter from the university)
ME: Thank you. After that I joined a ready-made garment factory in Chittagong as an Executive in the Logistic Department.
VO: When did you join the company? What is the name of that company and what does it do?
ME: I started my job from January 2013 to September 2014. The name of the company is (told) and it exports Jeans pants and other such Jackets mostly to Europe and America.
VO: What did you do after that?
ME: Then I left the job there and joined another company in January 2014 and till now I am working there.
VO: In what area are you working now? What is your responsibility?
ME: I am as Assistant Executive in Finance of (told the name of the company). My main responsibility is to maintain and supervise the import section and the banking transactions.
VO: So, you have been selected as a student at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, right?
ME: Yes, Sir.
VO: In which subject?
ME: In MSc in Economics and Finance.
VO: Well, can you describe what are courses you need to take?
ME: Of course, Sir. (then I described my course module from various point, like-number of semesters, how many courses, in which semester I need to take which one, credit poits, elective courses etc.)
(While I was describing these things he called the lady guard, she came in and gave me something to wipe my fingers and took my fingerprint, the VO did not let me stop talking though and said “You keep continuing”)
VO: So, you have completed BBA from…..
ME: Finance and Banking and MBA from Finance.
VO: Why do you want to go to Germany?
ME: Sir, I want to be a professor or work in a reputed multinational company in our country.
VO: Why you need to go to Germany, then?
ME: Sir, as you know the education system of Germany is very much practical world oriented and the academic excellences are recognized world-wide. Moreover, the course is provided in English. Above all they are offering this opportunity at free of tuition fees!
VO: I don’t know why you want to go there.
ME: Sir, if I can complete this worldly recognized course, it will surely give me an ahead in my career. I can start my teaching profession as an Assistant Professor rather than a lecturer. And may be if I can do a PhD I might get chance more than that.
VO: (smiled) OK. Can we discussed some of the courses from your graduation and post graduation?
ME: Yes, Sir. Certainly. (though I was worried, what he is going to ask about!!)
VO: You studied Financial Analysis and Control, right?
ME: Yes, Sir.
VO: What did you learn?
ME: We learned how to analyze financial position and strength of a firm.
VO: What tools are used?
I told him about ratio analysis and some models, whatever came to my mind, he was shaking his head with negative notion. Then I said about cash flow analysis. He asked me to elaborate about cash flow statement.
I did as I was asked to. Then he asked:
VO: Do you know what is OPEC?
I thought he asked me about Oraganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
He rectified me and said, “No, no. OPEX and CAPEX.
ME: Is this kind of software?
VO: (looked at me strangely) OPEX-Operational Expenditures.
ME: Oh! Sorry. OPEX-Operational Expenditure and CAPEX is Capital Expenditures
Then I gave some examples.
After that he asked about another course ‘Business Research Methodology’ and the methods used.
VO: What research did you do in the course?
ME: Sir, that was a theoretical course. We didn’t do any practical research in the course.
VO: What you learned then? You just wasted your time.
ME: That’s another reason I want to go to Germany. In the MSc I am offered, there is a course Applied Research Project and I hope to learn and do practical research there.
Then he gave me deposit slips for fees and asked me to return him one.
While I was returning the slip I asked about the duration for my visa decision.
He said, “You will be notified through E-mail or SMS”.
আরো পড়তে পারেনঃ
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Wow..i have a question bro.I did not get good score in IELTs(S-6,L-6,W-5,R-5) so,may it harm my interview section??..Though my others background are eligible to face ,i think…What would be yoour suggestion..please….and i got job experience as well..
please..thank you
এখানে পড়ুনঃ http://www.germanprobashe.com/archives/8384