বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের সংশ্লিস্ট কর্তিপক্ষ সেমিনারটি হবে না বলে জানিয়েছেন (২৭.১২.২০১৫)

Bangladeshi Student and Alumni Association in Germany


CSE department of Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University present

MOOC German Probashe seminar on massive open online course and higher study abroad

Date:  29th December, 2015
Venue:  Dept. Of CSE, 
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

This seminar will cover:

# Why you should study abroad? # How can you prepare yourself for studying abroad? # Study and scholarship opportunities in Europe and North America. # How to apply? # When to apply? # How to search scholarship? # How can you choose the country? # How you can get VISA successfully? # IELTS and the other tests # How can you communicate with the professors? # Experience sharing. # How can you get certificates from MIT, Stanford still staying and studying in Bangladesh? # Which universities/institutes offer online course? How can you join? # What are the conditions to participate in these courses? # How MOOC can help you in your plan for higher study abroad? # Connecting the Bangladeshi Students and Alumni Associations being operated all of the world. # Q & A Session !

How to register?

please click on the link for details

Sujit 01746952150 (for master students)
faysal 01818730581
kayser 01515233656 (for final year students)

আমাদের অনলাইন রেজিস্ট্রেশন পদ্ধতি 


Bangladeshi Student and Alumni Association in Germany:www.facebook.com/groups/BSAAG (Trusted by 51000+ members) Website: www.GermanProbashe.com




By Tanzia Islam

Tanzia Islam is an admin of BSAAG, learn german and Germanprobashe.com this is a volunteer work from her side for the Bangladeshi community. She is also an admin of Free Advice Berlin. Her volunteer activities are related to educational development, city development and environmental protection. Tanzia is a freelance writer and researcher. Currently she is a doctoral researcher at Technical University of Berlin.

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