ব্যাচেলর স্টাডি বলতে ইউনিভার্সিটিতে বিএসসি বা বিএ লেভেলের পড়াশোনার কথা বলা হচ্ছে. ধাপগুলো পড়ুন বুঝুন তারপর সিধান্ত নিন.
Steps for Bachelor Study in Germany is not same as the Masters. Most of the Bachelor courses are taught in German language. There are also some other procedure to follow. And if you can do it properly Germany can be a great place to do your undergraduate studies!Please take some time to read and please do comment if you have any confusion. Best of luck.
ব্যাচেলর স্টাডি – Application steps and reality
এই লেখাটি বিভিন্ন সময় আলোচনা হওয়া তথ্য দিয়ে তৈরি। আশা করি কাজে আসবে সবার। সব চাইতেimportant কথাগুলো[৭ টি পয়েন্ট] হল:
[১]. জার্মানিতে এসেই BACHELOR PROGRAM এ পড়ার সুযোগ পাবে না, যা “পদ্ধতি-১” অনুযায়ী বলা হয়েছে।। (জার্মান ভাষার program এ যা শতকরা ৯৯%).
[২]. পদ্ধতি-১: Minimum ১ বছর থেকে ১.৫ বছর Studienkolleg করতে হবে। তারপর পরীক্ষা দিয়ে নির্ধারিত মাত্রার গ্রেড পেলে তবেই BACHELOR PROGRAM এ enrol হওয়ার সুযোগ পাবে।click here to know all about “Studienkolleg”:http://www.studienkollegs.de/en/14309/index.html
পদ্ধতি-২: অথবা বাংলাদেশের যেকোন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ২ সেমিস্টার সফলভাবে পড়ে সেই সার্টিফিকেট এবং সাথে সাথে জার্মান ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ মিনিমাম B1 লেভেল দেখাতে পারলে অনেক সময়ই জার্মান ভাষার ব্যাচেলর কোর্সে সরাসরি এডমিশন পাওয়া যায়।
Note that German lang. proficiency is not required if you want to apply in an International program that is taught entirely in English.
► যদি আপনার কোন confusion থাকে, দয়া করে যেই ইউনিভার্সিটিতে ব্যাচেলর পড়তে চান , তাদের ইমেল করুন। জিজ্ঞেস করুন, তারা আপনার ১/১.৫/২ বছরে করা কোর্সগুলোর জন্য Studienkolleg ছাড়া সরাসরি এডমিশন দেবে কিনা ? অবশ্যই ইমেল করার আগে তাদের IELTS and German Lang. requirements টা দেখে নিবেন। কোথায় পাবো ইমেল এড্রেস? খুবই সহজ। DAAD এ কোর্স খুঁজে নিয়ে দেখবেন ডান পাশে ইমেল এড্রেস দেয়া আছে অথবা সরাসরি ইউনি. ওয়েবসাইট এও পাবেন ইমেল এড্রেস। For Course search: http://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/en/
মনে রাখবেনঃ If you are searching for a Bachelor Programme taught in German or if you want to study Medicine or Dentistry, please check our First degree studies. If you are searching for a Master Programme, check out our Graduate Studies. International Programmes taught in English (Bachelor, Master, PhD Programmes) can be found in the International Programmes data base.
এছাড়াও, পদ্ধতি-২ means, u will get the eligibility to get admission into a Bachelor Program. That DOES NOT mean credit transfer.
Anyway, u can always ask the course coordinator of ur desired sub. univ. if they accept Credit Transfer or not. But fact is, they generally do NOT. Thank you.Probable reason: Credit transfer from bangladesh is not possible because all the universities of Bangladesh maintain RCTS (Regional Credit Transfer System) and the universities of Germany maintain ECTS (Europian Credit Transfer System which every semester contains 30 ECTS credit and FULL programm 210 ECTS credit.)
[৩]. ১ বছর থেকে ১.৫ বছর যারা invest করতে অপারগ, তাদের try না করাই ভালো।
কেন ১ থেকে ২ বছর লাগবে? কারণ, Studienkolleg will take 2 sem. that means 1 year. Before starting Studienkolleg you need to know at least B2 level of German lang. To learn B2 level of German it will take another 1 more year.
[৪]. Students admitted to any university Studienkollegs automatically have the status of registered (matriculated) students of the respective university. But participants in pre-study language courses and pre-study preparatory course students are prohibited from taking up gainful employment outside the vacations during the first year of their stay. The prohibition is noted as a condition in the residence permit.
That means you can work during holidays for the 1st year. From 2nd year, you may have the permission to work 120 full days/per year as like other Bachelor/Master students. [Full day=8 hours]
[৫]. Farhadul Osmany Riktan said: যারা ব্যাচেলর করতে আগ্রহী Rhine waal university of applied science এ সবগুলা কোর্স ইংলিশে। কেউ যদি করতে চাও তাইলে এই ইউনিভার্সিটি একটা ভালো অপশন।…কিন্তু প্রবলেম হইল ইউনিভার্সিটিটা একেবারে নতুন। আর ইউনিভার্সিটিটা যেই শহরে সেইখানে ল্যাঙগুয়েয না জানলে জব ও খুব এভেইলেভল না…আমি এই ইনফরমেশনটা দিচ্ছি কারণ নয়া পল্টন এর একটা মিডিয়া ২ লাখ করে টাকা নিয়ে এইখানে স্টুডেন্ট পাঠাচ্ছে…অথছ যে কেউ HSC এর রেজাল্ট মোটামুটি ভালো হইলে ব্যাচেলরে এপ্লাই করতে পারে…ইউনিভারসিটি WEBSITE এ যেয়ে ভালো করে এডমিশন পদ্ধতি পড়ে পেপারস পাঠালে এডমিশন হয়ে যাবে। ’Rhine–Waal University of Applied Sciences’: http://www.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/en/academic-studies/specialty-fields.html
- Mohammed Imran said: if anyone want to study bachelor in the KIT.he should complete at least B1 from bangladesh and then apply for the AUFNAHMETEST (entrance exam for the studienkolleg ) after passing the exam he can get admitted into Studienkolleg. Studienkolleg is a 1 year long programme consists of 2 semesters k1 and k2. only after passing the feststellungsprufung 1 can get admitted into the bachelor programme.there will be an aufnahmeprufung at the middle of february in KIT.if anyone here interested and have B1certificate you can applyhttps://movein-uni-karlsruhe.moveonnet.eu/movein/portal/studyportal.php
- Mohammed Imran said: New students interested in Bachelor Bachelor degree should keep some info. in mind which i didnt know before coming here. Until u pass the “Aufnahmetest” u wont be considered as a Student. Therefore:1.u wont get a semester tiket and u must buy a monthly tiket which is a bit expensive .(50 euro in karlsruhe donno about the other cities)2.u wont get a room in the studentenwohnheim so u have to manage your living on your own and i think finding a living place is tough .3. u wont have the permission to work.overall the 1st few months is going to b relatively expensive.once you pass the aufnahmetest you will get the immatrikulation paper and you will get all the benefits then.
[৭] Steps to follow for German taught BSc. course in a univ. :
[courtesy: Arefeen Biddut, Inzamamul Haq Lipon]
>> BD theke jara bachelor a porte astae chan tara nejerai kivabe parben application korte …..ektu hints dilam……..
1. at first u select a language course till A1 theke DSH Preperation..
2. if language inst. say give some money 60-80 euro for giving confirmation letter of German course and sending your adress.you must give this their account .
3. when u get the confirmation letter of german course…then u apply a university for studeinkollege as a conditional offer letter…by adding ur confirmation of german language course….hope so with in 35-40 days u get the conditional offer letter….at least u apply 3 or 4 universities…
4. For the visa for participation in a language course you need :
– A valid passport and two (2) passport photographs. – Two (2) application forms, original documents and two (2) sets of photocopies of the documents. – Proof that you have registered for an intensive language course with a minimum of 20 hours per week (e.g certificate of registration, receipt for course fees). – Proof that you will be covered by health insurance for the duration of your stay in Germany. – Proof that you are able to finance the language course and your living expenses
>> In short:
এই ব্যাপারে ২/৩ দিন আগেও কথা হল। যাই হোক। Conditional admission এর প্রসেসিং এরকমঃ
1st step-From BD, confirm language institute admission
2nd step-Full Course payment via online banking or credit card
3rd step-language institute [After paying fee] will issue u a lang. course admission offer letter
4th step-Then with that offer letter and all doc. apply for admission in university, FH,TU
5th step-They will issue conditional offer letter to u.
Question: Now course fees jode visa hower aage e paid kore r then visa jodi na hoy tobe Tk ki back pabo??
>> Ya, 100% back paben.ora sudu 50 euro kate rakhbe bt institut e language kora onk costly total 3800 euro[At least 7.5 month german language course hossay perfect for student.7.5 month plus 8 month ar helath insurance 3800 ar less hoya possible na…ar jonnie 3800 euro kothata likha] er moto lege abr apni jodi er che kom ‘Fees’ and ‘Duration’ niye institute e jaan taile abr visa 1 year er jon-no extension[In Germany u have to extend the VISA, after the 3 months initial VISA] prob hoi. Mane tara aapnake less than 1 year jon-no VISA dibe with ur documents and Bank details. But apni language jodi university te koren taile fees onk kom and visa refuse er risk onk kom bcoz institut gulo pvt., r university gulo public.
Aami A1-A2 deshe korechi, B1-B2 korte chai Germany te, ki korbo?: Ans.: Aapni shudhu B1 nd B2 korte Germany aashte paren but apnar language course jodi 7 month ar kom hoi tahole apni 1 years visa na-o pete paren…apni visa extend korte gele, apnar jotodiner course ta dekhe visa officer apnake sei porjonto visa dibe. Echara Apni kokhonie confirm hoye bolte paren na j B2 porjonto korle apni university te entry korte parben…ar apni jodi B2 korar por B2 level based exam a pass na korte paren tokhon problem a porben..ar A2 porjonto deshe jokhon korsen e B2 porjonto koren.Cause truely language kora obostaie nijer cost uthano ektu holeo kostokor.ato ta easy na.apnake only weekend a JOB KORAR PERMIT dibe.abr nao dite pare.so be careful for ur next step.thank you.wish u all the best.[From Arefeen]
Question: How can I pay fees from Bangladesh for my application in Germany if I need to do so?
Answer: http://bit.ly/Send-Fees-from-BD
প্রতিবেদনঃ মু. রশিদুল হাসান, মোহাম্মদ ইমরান
## নিচে বিভিন্ন সময়ে করা প্রশ্ন এবং তার উত্তরঃ
#Question: “…is there anybody to inform me kindly where i may get my bachelor in English medium….I just need the Name of University where its taught in english ….”
>> http://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/international-programs/en/
#Question: Vaia, GCE A Level a koita subject thakle direct Bachelor a admission neoa jai? Plz help.
>> Pranab Rudra added: Out of frustration frm appointment date uncertainty, I feel like sharing my life story. since my A’level I came to know German Uni from my brother’s friend and was determined to study there. After completing all Niveaustufe from A1 to B2 and finally passing TestDaF exam in 2008 I applied to all the leading universities for Bsc. Unfortunately I was rejected for not having 4 subjects in A’Level and Studienkolleg was also not applicable for A’Level students. I didnt lose faith and completed my Bachelors here. Now after 4 years I applied for masters and got selected in such a subject where no other international student got admitted before. I am the only international student among Germans. Now dat everything is set I mailed embassy on July 23rd but being the most unfortunate one I still didnt rcv any reply. I pray and hope no future generation faces such trouble like me.
#Question “Hello, i need some suggestions from the senior brothers of this group who are already studying in Germany ! I wanted to pursue my Bachelor program in Germany and as there is 99% institutions offer Bachelor program in their native language(Deutch) .So emphatically i have to study in Deutch . And now I’m well determine to do that . Will it be difficult for me ? What else i should concern more besides language ? Is there anyone in this group doing bachelor in German language ? If so, please share your viewpoints ! I’m also asking for the senior brothers to share their viewpoints in their own perspective !!”
>> Apply in ur desired subject of engineering and if ur language compitence isnt enough(i guess its not enough because either u got a deutsche kleine diplom or a Test daf 4 score,only then it could be functionable) they will send u a conditional addmission letter on which it will be clearly written that u can accepted if u successfully complete the 2 semester of studien kolleg.But keep in mind that there would be a entrance exam test to get addmission into studienkolleg.And the questionpaper will be formed in german language.So be prepared for it.Now ur 2nd question realtes whether u take summer semester or winter.I personally think it would be better to take the winter semester but however uni karlsruhe has variety of subjects in summer semester too.So best wishes for ur future and willing to see u germany.:)”
>> Møøn Nîgêr said: vaia amar subject Medizin.eta bachelor course na.Staatsexamen. 2 tar majhe ektu difference ache.medizin germany te shudhu matro deutsch a korte hoy.english version nai.so must pochonder uni er requirement onujayi deutsch shikhe hen apply korte hobe.n must studienkolleg kore n feststellungprüfung diye then uni er main course start korte hobe jar duration holo 6 years 3 months (without studienkolleg).kew jodi medizi er bepare help chan then please let me know.i will surely help
apnake apnar uni er requirement onujayi mane uni kon level porjonto german language chay bachelor program a apply korar jnno obosshoi oi porjonto age shikhte hobe goethe institut theke.etai 1st kaj now.
Studienkolleg: eta ekta course.ei course sesh hoy feststellungprüfung(one type of exam) diye pass korar maddhome.studienkolleg er duration hocche 2 semester mane about 1 year.Studienkolleg a 5 type er course korano hoy.just basic ta shekhay.business er ta ami jani na.engineering er jnno korte hoy T kurs r medical er jnno M kurs.
#Question: amake ki university te admission near agei studienkolleg korte hobe na pore korte hobe ? ar studienkolleg korar way ta ki ? i mean kivabe ami studienkolleg korbo abong kothay korbo ? ek2 kosto kore janale bhalo hoy –
>> university te j apply korba bba or management etc subject er jnno tokhon uni e tmk thik kore dibe j tmr studienkolleg kon course korte hobe M na T na S or G,W.studienkolleg ses korar por mane feststellungprüfung pass korar por tmk abar o apply korte hobe uni te bt eibar direct tumi main study start korte parba coz studienkolleg korso tai.
#Question: Dear admin at last I think I have to definitely apply via Studienkolleg. though I am in B2 and passed B1 ( Zertifikat Deutsch) that is not anyhow enough for applying University and filling their requirements. please can anyone help me to find the University who refers Studienkolleg via them and having semester in summer or winter anyone. my area of interest is engineerng.
>>for Engineering after Achern University i assume the 2nd best option would be the university of Karlsruhe(i am refrerring to the technical university).Apply in ur desired subject of engineering and if ur language compitence isnt enough(i guess its not enough because either u got a deutsche kleine diplom or a Test daf 4 score,only then it could be functionable) they will send u a conditional addmission letter on which it will be clearly written that u can accepted if u successfully complete the 2 semester of studien kolleg.But keep in mind that there would be a entrance exam test to get addmission into studienkolleg.And the questionpaper will be formed in german language.So be prepared for it.Now ur 2nd question realtes whether u take summer semester or winter.I personally think it would be better to take the winter semester but however uni karlsruhe has variety of subjects in summer semester too.So best wishes for ur future and willing to see u germany.:)
#Question: SAT te atleast koto score lage ?
>>Bhaiya,tumi jodi SAT e over 600(in every 3 section) koro seta normal score,that means a score of 1800.But if u get a score over 2100,there are some universities where u will be directly accepted without studienkolleg.But keep in mind nevertheless you should have to provide required language qualification.But if you like to apply in jacobs univerdity of bremen with a good SAT score,there you will be asked to provide a good ielts score too!!what i mean a good score always helps!!
#Question: Bhaia,ami ai year HSC pass korechi !dec3 a SAT disilam but beshi bhalo hoy nai ! so chinta kortesi A1 and IELTS kore apply korbo ? bhai apni ki bolen ?
>>bhaiya tumi ki english e engineering ba biomaterials type subject porte chao?amar poramorso hobe tumi dese 1 bosor ba 2 semester je kono versity te poro,SAT score jodi tokhon tomar 1350 er upor thake tumi addmission paba!!ami tomake assure korchi!!!german language kono compulsury na tokhon,tumi vebe dekho!![ by tamal tanu datta]
#Question: Vai,amake ek broker bollo sa amake studienkolleg course sara bachalor programe enroll korate parbe.eta ki possible sorasori bachalor in english medium?
>>Shawn Nipun said: Vai ami akta kotha boli. eta khub easy bepar na germany te bachelor a english medium a admission paoa. amar jana emon kaoke ami pai ni j bachelor a english medium porse bangladesh theke eshe. eta quit impossible kono agency shorashori english medium a vorti korate parbe. dnt rely on them. vai o ja kore debe ta apni nijei korte parben. varsity name jene nin, nijei check korun is it possible or not. It may help: http://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/international-programs/en/
>>Mohammed Imran said: our H.S.C. certificate is not equivalent to the German school leaving certificate ABITUR. if you have the A level certificate then its possible otherwise not and Shawn Nipun vi is right .if you want to get admitted into english programe you will need an ielts /TOEFL score.and may be a good score it SAT too.another thing is english programes are a bit more expensive. [Mohammed Imran is currently doing his studienkolleg in KIT]
>>Møøn Nîgêr said: BD te kono uni te 2 years study kore thakle possible.uni te 2 yrs er every semester er passed result show korlei ora nije thekei studienkolleg korte na kore dibe n oder requirement onujayai result thakle(S.S.C, H.S.C, University result, german language certificate) uni te admission diye dibe. semester na thakleo prob nai.3rd year a j achen etar uni theke sign kora ekta letter mane running certificate pathalei hobe onno papers gular sathe.
>>S M TasfiqurRahman Arnab said: As far as i am concerned in germany only 3 universities provides bachelor in english ..no-1 KIT but its so expensive no-2 JU bremen..its a private and no-3 Uni- Duisburg Essen ..where i am studying but here full courses are not completly in english…50% in deutsch nd 50 % in english but only mechanical engineering is 70% in English and 30 % in deutsch…and there are few hochschule’s where you can find courses in english, for example: ‘Rhine–Waal University of Applied Sciences‘: http://www.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/en/academic-studies/specialty-fields.html
1. sob university ki conditional admission dai naki selected kisu university ata dai. kivabe bujbo j kon university canditional admission dai .
2. three months ar por visa extension ki language institute ar moddome hobe in that case amar account ki 7908 euro thaka lagbe.
3. my intention is get a admission in any technical university of germany in that case jodi conditional admissiontechnical university gula na dai ki korbo ? first j kono akta university ar conditional admission holoi hobe tai na?
4. ami odd job kore amar just living expenses bear korte parbo ? i have no problem i can do any kind of odd job. as well as ami ki amar study khub valo vabe korte parbo with good result 5. mechanical engineering a porte chai is this possible?
6. any type of university offer direct main course with English if i have ilets score 6.5 overall and A1 deutschecompleted ? how can i get a scholarship in germany in the field of engineering. 7. germany te sob kisu maintain korevalo result possible? 8. the most concerning matter is that undergraduate level ki ai type ar risk noa thik hobe ? Germany te engineering in undergraduate level a Bangladeshi student ra overall kamon kore.
Please click this link, u will have a detailed view and solution of the questions.
(Please, with patience read all the comments in the thread of that link. U will have a lot of valuable info. for the benefit of ur future.)
লিখেছেন, Rashidul Hasan ,জুলাই ২০১৩
[…] -ব্যাচেলর স্টাডি […]
[…] ব্যাচেলর স্টাডি […]
Vaia ami Bangladesh ee uni te 2 bochor complete korsi IUBAT theke.Akhon ami Germany te Bachelor ee admission nite cai.amr sob documents ready ase.Akhon sudhu versity er documents gula newa baki.ami versity theke amr 2 years er transcript nibo eita jani and sathe ar ki kisu newa lagbe??amr 64 credits complete hoise.ar uni-assist and German Embassy ki type investigation korbe ta jodi jana thake tobe kew janaben??
এই ডকুমেন্টসগুলো দিলেই হয়। যদি বাড়তি কিছু লাগে তবে তা ইউনি এসিস্ট বা সংশ্লিষ্ট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ই আপনাকে জানাবে।
ইউনি এসিস্ট চেক করে দেখবে যে আপনার পাঠানো ডকুমেন্টস সঠিক নাকি নকল এবং সেই হিসেবে আপনাকে ভর্তি করা যাবে নাকি।
এটা ভিসা এপ্লিকেশনের সময় জার্মান এমাব্যাসিও করে থাকে।
[…] ব্যাচেলর স্টাডি […]
vaya ami german er ekta university via DAAD e email korcilam.tara amk reply dise you are eligible to apply and harmsburg university o mail korse bt problem hsse je university ta amk confirm korse oder language ta 50% english and 50% german.kono problem hbe ki etar jnno?
mane amk ki okhane language course korte hbe?
I am currently studying BSc in Computer Science and Engineering and have completed 4 semesters from IUB. So now i am thinking to transfer my credits to a German university. I completed both O levels and A levels under Cambridge in Bangladesh. So these are my questions:
1) When is the best time to transfer the credits? (Asking this because facing financial problems)
2) What are the univerisities I should consider which will be best for me to transfer my credits (most of the credits) and achieve a BSc in Computer Science or similar programs.
3) What are the documents required for transfering the credits?
4) What other courses do I have to take to meet the requirements?
5) What other options should I consider?
6) Since I have provided some of my information above, considering them what will be the best thing to do?
7) Lastly, will it be a good idea transferring the credits, or should I complete Bsc. from here and then apply for Msc. in Germany.
Ami 2017 te HSC diyechi. Then 1 year gap diye 2018 e B.A(Hons) e admission niyechi. now ami 3rd semester e achi. next year ami Germany te Bachelor korte jete jai. Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences choose korechi.
Amr study gap er jonno ki kono problem hobe? Do I need to complete my first year of B.A? or 3 semesters are enough? or do I need to continue my study here till I apply in Rhein-Waal?
apnar r amar same somossa … apni ki kono somadhan peyechen ?
Thanks brother
Q1: What is the next step after giving IELTS exam ?(This most helpful for me, if you help me)
Acca pro:
Hsc- 4.17
Ssc- 5
Bsc in CSE 1 year completed: 2.5
IELTS: 6.5
Though, i cant afford any Firm or Consultancy.So, i want to forward this processing with your cooperation.
Thanks again