ভিসা সাক্ষাৎকার ২০ জুলাই ২০১৬।
সময় ৯:৩০, কিন্তু তাদের ইন্টারনাল মিটিং এর জন্য আমাদের ১ টা পর্যন্ত ওয়েট করতে হয়।
VO: কাউন্টার ২ , বাংলাদেশি লেডি
Me: Good noon.
VO: Nothing(shaked head).
after completing fingerprint
VO: What was your previous study subject?
Me: Answered.(CSE)
VO: what is difference between internet and intranet .
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???? Answered.
VO: Any child can say that . tell technical differences ?
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????, Tried to answer (so so).
VO: what is the elaboration of HTTP?
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?Answered.
VO: Started looking through my transcript …… What did you do in Computer Architecture ?
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????? Answered.
VO: Again started looking through my transcript …… What did you do in “Artificial Intelligence” ?
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? Answered.
VO: What was your HSC result?
Me: Answered.
VO: And BSc result?
Me: Answered.
VO: why you are doing MSc in Web Science ?
Me: Answered.
VO: How many semesters in your masters ?
Me: Answered.
VO: How many credits?
Me: Answered.
VO: Take this link (DB Confirmation) , and also gave me visa fee receipt , come after 1:30 pm.
Me: thank you.

Just had my interview. Alhamdulillah, it went very well.
Me: hello, good morning.
Vo: so, you did bachelor from england?
Me: yes
Vo: how many semester was there?
Me: in total, six semesters in 3 years
Vo: how many semester would you have in your masters course?
Me: 4 semesters
Vo: what is the name of your bachelor degree
Me: bachelor of engineering in mechanical engineering
Vo: what is the name of masters course you applied for? In which uni and where is it?
Me: bla bla bla
Vo: is your bachelor course somewhat related to your masters?
Me: bla bla bla
Vo: here is the receipt. Submit the money.
That was it.
Tips: stay confident. Dress up well (suit up, if possible). Inshaa allah, everything would be fine. I do not mean to say, don’t study. Do that, sometimes questions are asked about your course. Stay positive, don’t panic, if Allah wishes, you will be fine.
Thank you everyone for your support. I highly appreciate that. May Allah bless you all and reward you 100 fold in return.