VISA Interview Experience.
Me: Good Morning!
VO: Good Morning.Copies please!
Me: Sure! Here they are!
(Handed over 2 sets of photocopies, 1 set main copy and 3 photos).
VO: Thank you. University of Bonn? 
Me: Right!
VO: Today we got three students who applied for VISA are going for University of Bonn.
Me: Coincidence may be? Me and my cousin are here today for interview and interestingly he is going to the same university.
(He looked at me and I found him curious. He was typing something in his computer for the next 3/4 mins).
VO: When did u complete your HSC and what was the gpa?
VO: From where did you complete Bsc? CGPA? Bsc in?
Me: Replied!
Me: Replied!
(He was typing and asking the above questions. I think he was making note or something?)
VO: Please put your fingers on the machine. I need your finger print. (I followed the instruction until he gets my finger print).
VO: Please pay 7400 BDT. 
Me: Here is the amount.(8000).
VO:Don’t you have the change?
Me: I’m afraid that I don’t have. but let me check again. (I checked and replied). Sorry! I don’t have the change.
VO: Here is your receipt. Is your name spelling okay?
Me: Perfect! Thank you.
VO: So why did you choose university of Bonn?
Me: It matches with my undergrad university curriculum.
VO: Aren’t there any other universities that match with your curriculum?
Me: Yes but University of Bonn is ranked higher among them.
VO: Whats the rank by the way?
Me: 100 in world rank.
VO: (Checked my transcript and started asking questions)
What is data structure and what did you learn in data structure?
Me: Answered!
VO: Tell me some famous algorithm names.
Me: I don’t remember all of them that I studied in algorithm course. All I can remember is Prims, Kruskal, some sorting algorithms like mergersort, quicksort.
VO: What is mergesort? Explain please!
Me: Explained!
VO: How many siblings do you have?
Me: Replied!
VO: What does your father do?
Me: I replied that my father died back in 2010.
VO: Sorry!
Me: its fine!
VO: So who is going to support you?
Me: My elder brother.
VO: What does he do?
Me: Replied!
VO: Alright! Thank you.
We need 6-8 weeks! We will let you know via email or phone.Take care!
Me: Thank you so much!


Application Summary:
Intended University: University of Bonn
Session: Summer 2018
Applied in: November 2017
DAAD Scholarship: NO
Uni-assist: No
Intended Program: MSc in Computer Science

VISA Timeline: 
Attended Interview: 14/1/2018
Call for VISA collection: 12/02/2018
VISA collection date: 13/02/2018




By Mehedi Hassan

Masters (CS) Student at University of Bonn. Completed my bachelor degree from BRAC University.

2 thoughts on “ভিসা সাক্ষাৎকার অভিজ্ঞতা এবং ভিসা প্রাপ্তি – ২০১৮”
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