কিছু পয়েন্ট বাদ দিলে মোটামুটি এটাই জার্মানদের মনের কথা! কমেন্ট সেকশনে জানাতে পারেন যদি দ্বিমত থাকে। ধন্যবাদ। (নিচে ভিডিওটি লোড হবে।)
Tim Covington: “I really like this video. I can sum it up as people need to be willing to adapt to where they visit or move to and be polite. And, that’s what I want for anyone who moves to the USA. I do not understand people who move somewhere and then expect that place to change so it suits them. But, we even have that problem with people who move from one part of the USA to another.”