বিশ্বমানের রিসার্চ করুন

২০০০ সাল থেকে International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS)  পিএইচডি স্টুডেন্টদের জন্য দারুণ ক্ষেত্র হিসেবে কাজ করছে! এদের সাথে সাথে বিভিন্ন ইউনিভার্সিটির সাথেও আছে তাদের সুদৃঢ় সম্পর্ক!

বর্তমানে ৬৩ টি IMPRS রয়েছে; ২৬টি কেমিস্ট্রি, ফিজিক্স এবং টেকনোলোজি সেকশনে, ২৩টি বায়োলজি এবং মেডিসিন সেকশনে, আর ১২টি হিউম্যান এবং সোশ্যাল সাইয়েন্স সেকশন! এগুলো স্থাপন করা হয়েছে Max Planck Institutes এর অধীনে। তাই বর্তমানে ৮০টির মত ম্যাক্স প্লাঙ্ক ইন্সটিটিউট যুক্ত আছে এই IMPRS এর সাথে!

ইনোভেটিভ ট্রেনিং প্রোগ্রামস

  • এই প্রোগ্রামের অর্ধেক মানুষ সাধারণত জার্মান এবং বাকি অর্ধেক অন্যান্য দেশ থেকে আসেন।
  • ম্যাক্স প্লাঙ্ক এবং ইউনিভার্সিটি দুই দিকের সুপারভাজরদের সাথেই কাজ করার শুরু থাকবে।
  • স্বাধীনভাবে বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে রিসার্চ করার পাশাপাশি নিয়মিত ওআর্কশপের মাধ্যমেও নিজেদের যুগোপযোগী করার সুযোগ রয়েছে!

কীভাবে এপ্লাই করবেন?

Are you keen to carry out research at a Max Planck institute while studying for your doctorate? This video explains how to apply, who to contact and which steps you must take.

In Germany, the universities alone have the right to award doctorates. So it is not possible to sit your doctoral examinations at a Max Planck institute.

However, the International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) – in cooperation with the universities – offer a structured doctoral training program. After completing the usually three-year training period, during which you will be supported both by university supervisors and the Max Planck institute, you will be examined by these two bodies jointly. Since 2009, the figure of Minerva – the logo of the Max Planck Society – has graced many IMPRS doctoral certificates.

In addition, the opportunity exists at most Max Planck institutes to prepare your dissertation even outside of this centrally funded programme. You will find vacancies advertised on the websites of the institutes, at the MPG Jobs Exchange, as well as in the daily papers and scientific journals.

কত টাকা পাবেন আপনি?

কন্ট্রাক্ট এবং গ্রান্ট এর মাঝের পার্থক্য

Doctoral students researching at a Max Planck institute receive either a grant or a support contract which is based on the German Federal Collective Wage Agreement for Government Service Workers (TVÖD). The nature of the doctoral support is something that is decided locally by the institute. In addition, there are also subsidies and family allowances that may be claimed.

নিম্নোক্ত বিষয়গুলোর উপর পার্থক্য নির্ভরশীলঃ

Support for doctoral students differs from one institute to another.

 (1) ডক্টরাল গ্র্যান্ট

The Max Planck Society awards grants to talented junior scientists in recognition of their scientific education and training to date. With a grant, doctoral students can carry out research for their dissertation at a Max Planck institute independently and without being subject to instruction. They are not employed by the institute, and they are therefore not under any obligation to attend at specific times. Vacations and travel do not require approval, nor are they in principle obliged to take part in general institute events.

The grant is regarded in law as a “maintenance subsidy” and is not liable for tax or social security deductions. This means that the recipient of the grant must arrange his or her own health insurance. The Max Planck Society does, however, provide a subsidy and additional support (see table). Third-party liability insurance is also recommended. All grant recipients are covered by a group accident insurance policy arranged via the Max Planck Society. In addition, in accordance with the support guidelines there are other subsidies and family allowances that may be applied for.

Since July 2012, the basic doctoral grant has stood at 1365 euros.

(2) সাপোর্ট কন্ট্র্যাক্ট

This is an employment contract concluded directly between the institute and the doctoral student. In addition to specifically targeted research in connection with their doctorate, it is expected that each doctoral student will spend a certain proportion of their time working for the institute. Students on contract are also subject to instruction: They must attend during certain core times, and vacations and work-related travel must be approved by the institute management. Half of the average working week is deemed to be “paid employment”, which is paid at half the rate for employees in Pay Group 13 (as per the TVöD). As doctoral students with support contracts are regarded as employees, they are liable for tax and social security deductions. The institute pays the employer’s contribution, while the employee’s contribution payable by the student is automatically deducted from his or her salary. Doctoral students are also insured by the Institute against accidents in the workplace and occupational illnesses.

You will also find details contained in the support guidelines. Click here for the current pay tables.

এক নজরে সুবিধাগুলো

সাপোর্ট কন্ট্র্যাক্ট গ্র্যান্ট
Employment subject to taxation, social security and pension insurance contributions Exempt from taxation and social security contributions.
Remuneration as per TVöD E 13 (50 percent), maximum Stage 2 Basic grant 1365 euros, flat rate material costs payment 103 euros
Recruitment bonus up to E 13 (100 percent) Child  allowance 400 euros for the 1st child plus 100 euro for each additional child
All other benefits as provided for by law (e.g. child benefit) Health insurance subsidy of up to 100 euros for qualifying policies, also available for accompanying family members with no personal income
Family component: Grant may be extended for up to 12 months and/or childcare costs reimbursed for children up to 12 years (paid against voucher, subject to a maximum amount)
Subsidy for research residencies abroad and at Max Planck institutes outside of Germany
Potential recruitment bonus in competition with institutions abroad, up to 200 euros.
Removal and relocation costs may be reimbursed

By Anis

Vice-President (Media & Marketing) Overall moderation, group, page, website, magazine. Responsible for learn German for FREE movement.

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